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Make a donation.

Your donation allows us to meet the needs of people as quickly as possible. Gg’s House is a 501c3 organization. Tax receipts are provided upon request.

Donation Options

Donate online by clicking the link below.

Cash or checks can be sent to our mailing address, checks payable to Gg’s House.

Venmo @ggshouse | Donate on Facebook here.

Talk to your bank about setting up monthly donations.

Give Now

Donate Items

To donate items, please contact us for a drop-off time. We can only accept donated clothing and household goods if we have space to store them. Please contact us before bringing items to donate. Please do not leave items if we are not here to accept them.

Items we provide: personal hygiene items*, food, household cleaning products, towels*, blankets*, household items, incontinence supplies

*greatest needs

Gg’s House is 100% volunteer-run and donation-funded. Your generous contribution makes it possible for us to continue meeting the unique needs of individuals in our community. We are a local 501(c)3 non-profit organization and provide tax donation receipts upon request.